Thursday, January 12, 2012

Micah is 1 month old!

There are days where I think," A month, already?" and others where I am thinking, "that's all?!" Life has been filled with a whirlwind of emotions and I am so incredibly thankful for the past month. It has been filled with an abundance of joy and lots of sleepy nights/days. We have been blessed with a wonderful family who has offered all the support possible to help us during this transition. We couldn't have done it without them!

We have settled in as a family and it has been wonderful. I finally feel like we have established a great schedule with Micah and he is such a content little fella! As of yesterday at his doctor appointment, he is 10 lbs. and 22.5 inches long. He is growing, growing! His jaundice is finally something the doctor said "we can close the book on." I am so thankful to have jaundice as a thing of the past. He is nursing like a champ, which is such a blessing because he had a rough start. We've only been nursing the past 2 weeks and before that I was pumping and bottle feeding. He will take the bottle cold or warm, which is awesome when he is starving and screaming and there is no time to warm it up. He loves his paci and his hands, whichever is available for him.

I love how laid back he is. I think he has his father's demeanor, which I have prayed for :) He is rarely fussy and has started sleeping well. During the night he is consistently ready to eat every 3-3.5 hours.I am looking forward to longer stretches of sleeping for sure. We love reading books to him and sharing Bible stories with him. We are praying the Lord is already changing his heart and molding him into a man of God. I pray for him daily, that God will drawn Micah to himself, allow him to love the things of God and that he'd be obedient to God and to us as he grows. I long for Micah to be a leader, someone who loves people and whose hearts breaks for the Lost. I know the Lord hears my persistent prayers!

I am getting the hang of this new role of being a mommy. It has been a joy to spend my days with him. Singing songs to him, reading, playing, talking. He is a delight. It has been a big transition and I still stay in workout clothes most of the day :) I have been sleep deprived but Roy has been incredibly helpful in taking feeding and watching Micah so I can get out of the house to run errands or squeeze in a much needed nap. I am a better mommy and wife when I have some sleep under my belt :) I am facing the new challenges of "mommyhood" head on and am taking them all in stride, doing the best I can. I am learning as I go. One thing I know, I love Micah dearly and trust in the Lord's guidance and wisdom as we have been entrusted with him for whatever sweet time the Lord blesses us with.

Sweet Micah, we love you dearly and are anxious to see the man you become!

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