Saturday, June 25, 2011

Baby McDaniel!

Please forgive me for nearly two months without a post. In case you haven't heard our wonderful news, we are expecting a BABY in mid-December. It has being nothing short of a whirlwind since we have received the news. My car (that I have had since I was 16) died and the engine was not worth replacing, so we are trucking right along with Roy's '98 Corolla. I had lost my job but have since been rehired (Praise the Lord)! It was as if one trial before the other was being placed in our path and with the first trimester sickness, I was finding it hard to have joy in such a joyous circumstance of becoming a mother. I was so incredibly sick for many weeks. It was one of the toughest things I've had to endure to date and I am beginning to realize that I am not very tough when it comes to sickness. Oh how I take my health for granted.

Thankfully, I am 15 weeks and am beginning to feel better for the most part. I am back to being more active and feel like I am getting my life back. It was incredible to me to see that in order to give life to this precious baby, it literally had to suck the life out of me. It is already changing my life in ways I could not have imagined.

Our doctors appointments have been going well. The baby's heartbeat is strong and we have been able to see pictures of our little bean growing. In 2 weeks we'll hear the heartbeat again and in 6 weeks we'll know what we are having!

Please continue to pray for us on the journey. Roy has one more year of seminary and if all goes as planned he'll graduate in May. Pray for the Lord to continue to provide for us and for our faith to be increased as we wait and watch Him work in incredible ways. Please pray for this precious baby of ours, that it will be healthy and strong and know the Lord at a very young age. We are praying even now that the Lord is working in his/her heart.

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