Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ft. Lauderdale Adventure

This past week I had a conference for work in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and was able to bring Roy along too. What a sweet blessing to be able to get away for a few days. We got to our hotel where the conference was being held a day early (along with my boss and her husband) because we choose to DRIVE 12 hours for the conference to save on expenses. It was quiet the adventure and I was extremely thankful that I didn't get car sick, which I usually do. I'm an awful passenger. The hotel was AMAZING and we were able to enjoy one day of SUNSHINE by the pool. While I was in sessions for the confernce, Roy was able to work on support, making phone calls, sending e-mails, etc. He is such a hard worker! He loves to stay busy. I wish I could say the same! The conference really was such a great week for us and was just a week after we celebrated 6 glorious months of marriage. We are gracious for the time we have been given to invest in our marriage for the past 6 months. Ft. Lauderdale was a sweet treat indeed! I've included a few pics as well. We are currently at 36% pledged for support. Support is such a gigantic leap of faith and we are trusting in Christ to provide it for us quickly. We would LOVE to be on staff by the fall semester. Please continue lifting us up in prayer during this time. The Lord is teaching us about ourselves in a number of ways and we are really learning who we are, what some of our gifts and passions are, and we are trusting that the Lord has something wonderful in store for us. I keep telling Roy that these trials we are facing will one day be sweet memories of how the Lord continued to provide for our needs. He is gracious indeed.

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