Monday, August 2, 2010

A Miserable Day of Travel

As many of your know, yesterday we were scheduled to begin our trek to SE Asia for 2 weeks. Our first flight from Orlando to NYC was scheduled to leave at 2PM. We had boarded the plane and were ready to get this show on the road when the captain made the first of many announcements to the passengers. Apparently there was rain around the NYC area, mainly in New Jersey, that was keeping planes from flying. We were grounded for our first delay of 1 hour. Sitting on the plane was miserable. It was hot (the high outside was 98 degrees). After that hour had passed we were notified that the ground rule or whatnot had been lifted and we would begin taxiing down the runway within the hour.

This was how we felt after being on the plane for so long. It was so hot because they were trying to conserve fuel by using as little A/C as possible.

AGAIN, another announcement was made. This time the plane had some mechanical problems that needed to be addressed... and all the while a storm was about to pass through Orlando so due to lightning we would not be able to take off. By the time the storm had passed and the mechanical problem had been fixed we were running too low on fuel so we had to head back to the gate to refuel.

We are in the plane for 6 hours.

After 6 hours on the plane and 0 time in the air, we were all asked to get off the plane with out belongings. The airport was packed!!! There were people everywhere, with no planes coming or going. We were some of the few passengers that had a connecting flight in NYC. We had to make it from LGA to JFK in New York City for an 11PM flight to Dubai. We were going to miss this flight! My sister Bonnie, who was planning to go on the trip with us, was already in NYC waiting for us. We were calling back and forth filling her in. Sadly, the next available flight to Dubai wasn't going to be until Tuesday! What a mess!

We had a decision to make and had to make it by 10PM. The tickets for the next flight to Dubai were going to be about $1000 extra per person :( It was the craziest night imaginable. Bonnie ended up flying home to Mexico since she would be in NYC for at least 2 days before we arrived. It was just too much to handle!

We decided to book a flight for Monday (today) to NYC and take the Tuesday flight to Dubai and trust that the Lord would provide the money we need. We ended up coming home last night to think and pray about what to do. Believe me, it was a physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining day. We know that the Lord is supreme in all things and that His ways are perfect. We are trusting that everything that happens is the way He wants it, even if it is stressful and not the way we were expecting.

So here we are.... day 2 of our trip and we are home in Orlando. We are planning to head to the airport in a few hours and fly to NYC. We will stay in NYC tonight and fly to Dubai tomorrow morning. This is "our" plan at least. We know He may have something else and mind.

Please keep us in your prayers! We desire a safe and smooth journey. He is faithful and loving, and we are trusting that although His ways are higher than our own, He is in control and knows what is best.

We appreciate your prayers and encouragement during this time. We love you guys!!

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