Saturday, August 1, 2009

Our Day at Disney World

Thursday, Roy and I woke up feeling awful. We both came down with a 24 hour stomach bug and spent the day taking care of each other. It was a miserable day! We woke up Friday feeling much better, which was great news because a friend of Roy's from high school took us to DISNEY WORLD for the day. We had such a great time!

I have been to Disney World so many times I am beginning to lose count. I can't get enough of it! It was great to take a day and relax and enjoy ourselves after a tough transition to Florida. I am anxiously awaiting getting a job and Roy will begin classes on Monday. We are SO ready to get into a routine. I think we'll feel more settled in once we have a daily routine. I am so ready to find a job and am beginning to feel extremely defeated. I feel like I have been holding my head up as long as I can, praying, trusting, hoping, but nothing has worked out yet. Please pray that I won't give up, that I won't allow Satan to control me. There is so much going on in my life right now that is completely overwhelming, and if you know me well you know that I don't handle stress well at all!! I'm terrible and it and I am incredibly impatient. I trust the Lord is bringing me through all of this to strengthen me, and but the means is incredibly taxing. I don't want to lose faith! He who has called us is faithful!

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